Product overview
This is a Complete Casein plant consisting of a number of major sections , SMP, WWS, Drying and Milling .
Skim Milk Processing. (SMP) Is the skim milk handling and processing component of the casein plant.
Skim milk feed flow control is fully automated with a hydrochloric acid, ratio control system to feed an indirect heat cooker. Precipitated curd is then feed to a Westfailia decanter to separate the casein protein from the whey protein.
Hydrochloric Acid Casein Plant
- Skim milk.
- Hydrochloric acid.
- Potable wash water.
Flow rates.
- 40 to 45,000lts hour skim milk feed.
- 13 to 15,000lts hour wash water.
- Drier feed rate 1.5 to 2.0mt per hour .
- Westfailia decanter capable of processing 60,000lts hour of precipitated curd/whey and wash water.
- This consists of up to 45,000lts hour of skim milk feed plus 200lts hour of hydrochloric acid with an addition of up to 15,000lts of counter current potable wash water from WWS .system.
(WWS)Wash water and curd handling component of the plant.
Major components.
- 3 x Curd washing tanks.
- 80degree C thermaliser.
- Water removal decanter.
- Dryer feed system.
Full automation of flows, temperatures, levels.
WWS wash water tanks, consisting of internal curd and water separation screens, ribbon augers and geared lobe pumps for transferring curd and wash water through the system, including an 80 degrees C tubular thermalizer attached to tank 2.
WWS dewatering decanter for water removal is to prepare curd for presentation to the dryer at the correct moisture content.
WWS dewatering system also consist of a screw feed conveyer to transport curd ex the dewatering decanter to the drier feed rotary valve where it is blown into the feed line of the drier.
As with the SMP de-whey decanter, critical components are monitored real time and process is automated
Casein Drying.
- Dryer is a dual deck fluidising bed style dryer.
- Fluidisation is achieved using a combination of vibration and air flow.
- A sizing mincer transfers curd from the top deck to the bottom while at the same time sizing the curd to a more uniform particle size and breaking down any clumping.
- Air flow is exhausted to atmosphere via a large fines removal cyclone which removes casein fines from the air flow and returns them back to either the dryer deck or forward to the milling process.
- Feed curd to the dryer and dried casein exiting the dryer are both conveyed through the system using forced air blowers.
- Dryer start up, feed flow and temperature control are all full automated.
Hydrochloric acid casein dryer.
- Air flow dependant can currently achieve up to 2mt per hour.
- Air flow is via a Primary air fan and duct contributing to approximately 80% of its air flow.
- Secondary air is provided between the decks for trim drying.
- Cooling air is feed in to the bottom of the feed end to cool the casein exiting the dryer as well as providing a cool zone for the incoming curd to avoid it from sticking to a deck.
- Air flow rate alterations are not automated however can be changed manually on the run if required through the use of manual dampeners.
- Blowers in conjunction with rotary valves on the feed, exit and fines return lines provide transport air.
Casein mill room.
Currently no photos or schematic’s available for the Casein mill room.
- Casein is blown from the Casein dryer to bin 1 in the mill room which is fitted with metal detecting magnet protection.
- It is then transferred to a second set of bins for tempering.
Further information is available upon request.